Pet Friendly Cafe and Restaurants in Klang Valley

Just sharing some of the places I've visited with my furkids, this would not be as extensive as those list from magazine sites and such. Just those that I've personally patronised and experienced. Mind you, in terms of food, it's your own personal preference when it comes to the taste. This list is in random order and not a ranking list. 

I'll update the list as I visit more, if you have come across any that is not in my list that you'd recommend me to go, do let me know in the comments or drop me a message on my social media account(s). You can click on the name of the cafe and restaurants for the waze location. 

1. Cubs & Cups @ Sri Hartamas, KL 

Nice cozy cafe that we visited regularly. They have a new menu so am discovering the changes on the food after the update. Plenty of space for the furkids to run around but if your lil one is hard to handle or is aggressive to others, do keep him/her on a leash. For those that is not toilet trained, let him/her wear a diaper too even though they have pails and mops around for the pawrents to clean after their furkids. For those that wants to feed the furkids, they also have a dedicated pet menu for you to choose from. 

2. Kwong Cheung Loong Kopitiam Bar 广昌龙茶室吧 @ Heritage Row, KL

Another nice kopitiam in the heart of KL, our usual stopover when we are done with work in KL early and need a place to hang out and wait out the rush hour. Food wise, pretty nice, their nasi lemak selections and toasts/steamed breads are popular choices. They also serve both localised and western style coffee and tea. They don't advertise it but if you want food for your furkid, do ask them for recommendation (and price, in case it might be above what you are willing to pay).

They do have simple house rules to follow for those that's there with pets, keeping the diapers on (if you forgot to bring from home, they do sell diapers there but don't complain if the quality is not up to your standard). Keeping the furkid(s) on leash (occasionally I'll remove the leash from William when there's no customers other than the regular few, of course, after seeking permission from the kopitiam management as a courtesy). They will charge you for cleaning fees if you let your pets loose and they pee and poo around the premise so you have been informed. 

3. Tom, Dick and Harry's @ Oasis Damansara, Petaling Jaya

Among all the TDH outlets, the Oasis outlet would be the one to go if you want to have a drink and bring your furkid along, they didn't advertise it but just ask first before you go as a courtesy so they will  reserve you a spot outside where you can enjoy your meal while your furkid bask in the environment next to the fountain. It's not a pet cafe or restaurant though so your furkid has to be on leash at all time and if they are not toilet trained, keep the diapers on.

Food and drink wise, their menu is the same as across all their outlets. Can't really say much as we only go there a few times and always ordered the same food and drinks. Foodies that eat there more often would be able to recommend to you.

4. The 3 Stooges @ Jaya One, Petaling Jaya

Another regular hangout spot for us is the Three Stooges at Jaya One, but as work picks up, we visited less as it's not part of our route home from KL. I miss the pork knuckle they used to sell when they started, these days, it's just a tower of Soju Tiger and finger food when we chill by the sofa area.

The staffs there are friendly, especially to the furkids. The ground floor where most of the restaurants are at is considered the pet zone so they do welcome customers with pets. They'll even provide the furkids with water to keep them hydrate too. 

The signages around the sofa area do indicate that it's the pawrents' responsibility to clean up after the dogs/cats if they do their no. 1 or no. 2 in JayaOne. 

5. Park-In @ Jaya One, Petaling Jaya

Just across from Starbucks, Park-In serves Chinese style food with some interesting drink selection, especially their cocktails which seems to be a favorite for the ladies. Do remember to check-in to the premise using their QR as there's free drinks/discounts to claim.

They do allow pets in their premise so if you don't want to sit on the high tables while you're there with your furkids, you can sit inside as well. Personally, I'd normally order and pay then request them to bring the food to the sofa area where I can just sit back and relax. Rules and all is the same as above as both Stooges and Park-In is within the same Jaya-One compound.

5. Scoby Cafe @ Bukit Jalil

Visited the place once, it's quite a distance for us as we don't stay near the Bukit Jalil/Puchong area. Food wise, they do try to present some unique take to the customers but isn't really to our taste. If you'd like some healthy food, you can check the cafe out.

As for pets, the furkids need to be on leash at all time and in diapers if not toilet trained. There's no pee pads in the cafe. The staffs there are friendly to the pets, even offering free cubpucino to William when we were browsing through the food menu.

6. Super Porkki Porkki & Poof Cafe @ Sri Petaling

Another nice place to visit, Super Porkki Porkki on the ground floor do allow us to bring our pets but they'd advise us to keep the lil one on a leash as there's no barricade to stop the pets from dashing out onto the road. But for those that want to let the lil furballs run loose, head up to Poof Cafe, you can still order food from Porkki Porkki so it's all good. With the combination of the restaurant and cafe, you get a good choice of local favorites as well as western cafe food.

Do have the furkid(s) on diaper if you intend to let them run around the place, or at least clean up after the lil ones if they do their no. 1 or no. 2. The staffs here are too nice that they try not to bug the customers but as a customer and pet owner, don't think I'll be able to take it if I see an uncontrollable furkid running havoc in the cafe while the owner just sits there like it's a good thing. For those that forgot to bring diapers for the furkid, they do sell them at the cafe. Did tell the cafe to start charging the customers that doesn't bother to take care of their furkid(s) mess as it's something the pawrents should be doing and not the responsibility of the cafe.

Bonus: Restaurants and Cafes @ Desa Park City

In case some wonders why I didn't cover any of the cafes and restaurants in Desa Park City, well, the place is already quite well known among pet owners to be a pet friendly place. All the cafe and restaurants there welcome furkids except for Starbucks and Coffee Beans.

Waterfront: Post Covid-19, a lot of the premise now requires you QR Sign in and have temperature checked so the terrace area @ the Waterfront has been blocked off. For those that wants to dine in that area, you're only left with the porch area facing the carpark if you want to dine in with your furkid. Tough luck if it rained cause all the restaurants there don't allow you to use the Terrace area facing the lake. Was at one of the restaurant for my Birthday, basically a wet dinner for me as it was raining heavily and we are not allowed to go to the Terrace area so stuck by the entrance table with zero shelter against the rain. Maybe DesaPark's management might want to relook at the design of the place to create covered area so that we can get nearer to our car without getting drenched when it starts to rain?

Plaza Arkadia: The layout is much better as there's more space for the outdoor dining experience with the furkids, pawrents need to keep their lil one on leash or in carriers as it's a wide open space.

This list will continue to grow as we visit more places with our furkid.

Michael Yip

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